• Outfit – Serenity Pants

    To dress from here, there, or anywhere, without boundaries and with a universal language. Although for many modern times implies a more homogeneous scenario when it comes to fashion, others find in cultural references a way to enrich and distinguish their style. As for their roots certain garments own traits that identify them when they cross frontiers, just as flounces and dots…

  • Personal outfit – Knit Dress

    Un look ideal no está compuesto por un costoso vestido y lujosos zapatos, sino amparado en el dominio del estilo personal, y que es estilo personal? la facultad de dar vida e identidad propia a nuestro vestir, mas allá de una marca, tendencias y estándares; El estilo es la magia que puede  transformar con ingenio y gracia, un cúmulo de prendas inclusive…