• Bogotá Fashion Week 2018

    A pesar del tiempo y la distancia, ver lo que acontece en las pasarelas Colombianas sigue siendo motivo de emoción y satisfacción al ver como poco a poco la cultura de moda se afianza más en nuestro país, abriendo nuevos espacios y generando un creciente interés en el mercado local. En esta oportunidad Bogotá Fashion Week fue epicentro de la moda e…

  • Outfit – Earthy Shades

    Colours come and go as fashions, but it is curious to see how often our choices in this matter have to do a bit more with what is trending rather than personal taste and convenience. With the subtle rose quartz and serenity, 2016 brought a proposal that seemingly pleased everyone who fancy pastel shades, including myself; other times the colour of the…

  • Top Trends Fall Winter 2016

    Vientos eclécticos  en los que se entrelazan referentes opuestos – la moda propone un horizonte sin reglas,  pero con códigos relevantes si se quiere estar a tono con el espíritu de la temporada, en donde  lo romántico y lo anárquico, lo étnico y lo cosmopolita, lo tradicional y lo avant garde, coexisten en total armonía dibujando panorama de la presente era. Pero si bien se puede hablar de…

  • Orange Statement

    How often do you dare to wear orange? We all have colours which we identify with and of course those we don´t ever consider even by chance. Many of you would agree that orange is not as popular as some others in this regard, but for those who trust in the science of colour and its benefits for our image perception orange…

  • Total white look

    Blogueras de moda colombia

    With this iconic view its needless to say that I have returned to Sydney, a city that since some time ago has all my affection and  which I´ll call home for an extended period.  Here the steering wheel is on the right hand side, seasons go in reverse and we wake up almost one day ahead in comparison to where I was…

  • Lady in Red

    Although by now many of you probably have an idea of what would be your ideal color for the holidays and particularly New Years eve, it is never too late to consider the energies we can project with the right use of color; red might be a bit too much for many but for this reason and others it could end up being a good choice to call…